Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Interview went well with Daniel Lanois

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I was expecting 20 minutes; he gave me two hours. An exerpt my Daniel Lanois interview:

Lanois then shared his experiences with the rock giants U2.

"U2 and I have always shared a fascination with great sonics," he said. "They like to reinvent themselves every couple of years, and Brian [Eno] and I have always encouraged them of that."
"Generally there's two ways of working with them. Either it's the band in the band room playing together at stage volume - lots of jams with moments of inspiration, you never know what's going to happen - or it's a livingroom arrangement. This is a quieter way to work things out. Some of these sessions have gone on to be finished recordings."

"There's no rules with U2, they welcome different ways of doing things and it's very much a musical journey with them,"
he said. "They appreciate me as a musician. My work is to make musical suggestions. They do a lot of jam sessions, and even if they don't have some specific song in mind, sometimes some sonic will trigger Bono and it can be a lot of fun."

Swanktrendz note: Hopefully we’ll get the full interview out of Andrew.

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